Give to Remnant of Israel

G-d is doing great things at Remnant of Israel Messianic Synagogue. You can join in and be a part of the mission. It doesn’t matter where you live, just that you love Yeshua and his body of believers! Scroll to the donation box below to give.

Remnant of Israel Messianic Synagogue does not collect offerings during the service.   However, we do have a Tzedakah box (offering box) located on the back table in the Sanctuary for tithes and offerings.

Contributions to the youth group can also be put into the same Tzedakah Box, please use an envelope and write “youth group” so we can credit your contribution properly. Our youth group is mostly self-funding, but they still need your help to achieve all of their goals.

If you would like to give, your contributions can be made either in person, via PayPal, or snail mail. You can give via Paypal in the form below. Or, if you already have a Paypal account or app on your mobile device simply give to paypal at (note the written out email address replace ” at ” with “@”.) Thank you very much for contributing to the work here at Remnant of Israel Messianic Synagogue!

Giving Policy: This congregation is a qualified 501(c)3 organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations  of any kind are tax-deductible in the United States. Unless otherwise noted and in accordance with IRS regulation, you agree to relinquish control of the donated funds to the discretion of this congregation. Donors who restrict his/her unsolicited donation(s) to a specific use or person (does not relinquish control of the donated funds), the donation is considered a restricted donation and as such, is not tax-deductible donation. The board of trustees of Remnant of Israel may remove any designations or restrictions on gifts when it is deemed in the best interest of the congregation to do so. In addition, Remnant of Israel re-tithes on ALL monetary donations given to the congregation.


As of 5/9/2023, we are now using the ChurchTrac app and website for our giving.

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Give by Mail

Please send donations made payable to “Remnant of Israel” to:

Remnant of Israel Messianic Synagogue
3700 E Pawnee
Wichita, KS 67218